Imagine walking into a store where the lighting design makes you feel more comfortable and invited, illuminating products in a way that seems to call upon your senses to explore and engage. Now, picture the opposite — a store that’s dim and under-illuminated, where finding what you want or need seems like a chore. This stark difference highlights the overall power of retail lighting. Yet, many stores fall into the shadows of common lighting errors, impacting their shopper experience and sales. Let’s “shed some light” on these errors to avoid in your retail space.

1. Relying on Obsolete Lighting Systems

Transitioning from fluorescent to LED lighting in retail spaces is not merely a trend or best practice, but a strategic upgrade. Fluorescents, known for their harsh glow and tendency to flicker, can significantly detract from the shopping experience while failing to showcase merchandise effectively. They also tend to be more costly to businesses over the long run because they have a shorter lifespan. On the flip side, technological advances in retail LED lighting offer superior color rendering, energy efficiency, and longevity — making it an essential switch for contemporary retailers. Relying on overhead/ceiling lighting only is a practice from the past. 

2. Too Little Light/Dark Areas in Your Store

A common misstep or unconsidered outcome is not enough lighting for your shoppers. Too little lighting can create uninviting shadows and dark corners, making merchandise less visible and seem less important. As Bob Phibbs (aka The Retail Doctor) says: “Light your display like it’s important.” This lack of light not only diminishes the store’s environmental appeal but can also complicate the navigation and selection experience for shoppers. Consider the example of a convenience retailer who revamps their lighting scheme. By applying light levels consistently, and eliminating dark areas, they can make their space more inviting, encouraging shoppers to explore and discover hidden gems throughout the store. This strategic lighting adjustment is well-known by retailers to increase dwell time and result in higher sales, demonstrating the importance of a well-lit retail environment. There’s also emerging discussion surrounding how additional lighting helps combat shrink. A well-illuminated shopping environment augments loss prevention measures by removing what ill-intentioned visitors are hoping for; shadowy corners and under-illuminated aisles. 

3. Not Using Light to Draw Attention to Your Most Profitable Merchandise

Lighting performance should play a strategic role in retail merchandising, highlighting key products and driving attention to higher-margin items. Failing to use lighting as a visual cue means missing out on potential sales. Effective retail lighting design employs illumination to highlight these items, directing the focus of shoppers and enticing them to take a closer look. In a grocery setting, for example, effective lighting can dramatically influence sales of high-margin items such as organic and private label items or premium wines. Grocery stores that install LED shelf lighting in their wine sections will typically see a significant uptick in sales. The targeted lighting makes the bottles and labeling more visually appealing, capturing shoppers’ attention and encouraging them to browse and ultimately purchase higher-premium wines that might go unnoticed. This example underscores the power of lighting in enhancing product visibility and attractiveness, leading to increased profitability.

4. Not Considering How Light Affects Shopper Mood and Behavior

The impact of lighting on shopper psychology is profound. The right lighting can create an ambiance that enhances shopping enjoyment, encourages longer visits, and even influences shopper perception of freshness, quality, and value. According to Mood Media, 44 percent of shoppers report having left a store with no intention of returning because of the smell, sound, or poor lighting conditions. Ignoring the “sensory element” and psychological effects of lighting is a missed opportunity to connect with shoppers on an emotional level. There’s simply no “one size fits all” when it comes to in-store retail lighting design, a main reason why traditional overhead ceiling lighting leaves much to be desired by shoppers. The service team at Lighting for Impact are experts in developing a customized solution that’s as practical as it is remarkable in transforming how your customers see, shop, and spend. 

5. Overlooking Energy Use/Cost

With a retailer’s sustainability initiatives becoming increasingly important to patrons, and cost-efficiency of paramount importance, overlooking the energy use of your lighting can be a costly mistake. Modern retail LED lighting solutions are not only more environmentally friendly, but they can also significantly reduce energy bills. 

LED lighting is far less expensive than fluorescents in the long term due to their energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and lower maintenance costs. LED technology uses a fraction of the energy required by fluorescent lights to produce the same amount of light, which translates to significant savings on energy bills. Additionally, LEDs have a longer service life, reducing the frequency of replacements by years. These factors contribute to their overall cost-effectiveness. By opting for LED illumination, retailers can enjoy a brighter, more inviting store environment while also saving money.

Retail Lighting Solutions With Proven Results 

Lighting is much more than a utility for retail spaces; it’s a vital component of store design that affects everything from the shopper experience to energy consumption. Avoiding these commonly overlooked retail lighting errors can transform a space from merely functional to truly fantastic, enhancing shopper satisfaction, preference, and loyalty — while driving sales performance. Make the switch from ordinary to remarkable. 

Investing in the right LED lighting solutions will illuminate the path to enhance display performance, shopper delight, and store success. Are you ready to upgrade your retail store’s lighting? Let us be your guiding light!  Download our FREE Catalog or request a quote from us today!